How To Sell Disney Vacation Club: The Ultimate DVC Seller’s Guide

If you have ever considered selling your Disney Vacation Club membership, then this is the definitive guide for you! In this in-depth guide, we’ll discuss all of the most important factors that members need to consider when learning how DVC resales work on the resale market. We will also provide a step-by-step guide for selling your DVC membership safely and securely from start to finish. So whether you’re still researching the subject of selling, or are ready to sell your DVC contract, this guide will have everything you need to get your contract sold!

Determine Exactly What DVC Membership You Own

One of the first steps in preparing to sell your DVC points is making sure that you have all the necessary information it would take to effectively market and sell your DVC membership. You can always contact Disney Vacation Club directly if you are missing any information, but it’s always helpful to start collecting documents such as:

Deed Icon

Your Original Deed

Point Statement Icon

Vacation Points Statements

How To Obtain Your Disney Vacation Club Deed

Search For Your Disney Vacation Club Deed

In order to find your original Deed, you’ll need to perform a search on the county comptroller’s / recorder’s website. The website you will need to use is based which county and state your home resort is deeded within.

Here are the Comptroller/Recorder’s sites to look up DVC Deed information:

How To Obtain Your Vacation Points Statements

1.) Sign in to your DVC account

Sign in to your membership account by visiting and clicking the “Sign In or Create Account” link above the top navigation bar

Sign in to your Disney Vacation Club Dashboard
Sign in to your Disney Vacation Club Dashboard
2.) Go to the "My Dashboard" page

Go to the “My Dashboard” page, by hovering your mouse over “My DVC” on the top navigation, then clicking “My Dashboard” from the drop down menu

My Dashboard Page - DVC
Access your “My Dashboard” Page
3.) Click on "Manage Vacation Points"

In the box that says Vacation Points click on “Manage Vacation Points”

Manage Vacation Points Button - DVC Dashboard
Manage Vacation Points Button – DVC Dashboard
4.) Locate tabbed interface for Points Statements

Once you’ve reached the “Vacation Points Overview” page, you will see a tabbed interface that lists Use Year and multiple calendar years.

Points Statements Tabbed Interface - DVC Dashboard
Points Statements Tabbed Interface – DVC Dashboard
5.) Capture screenshots for each year's Points Statements

Now you can click on the previous year, the current year, as well as the next year’s statements individually to capture screenshots of each year’s point statement. As this guide was written in 2022, the years you have listed may differ from the screenshot below.

  • If you’re on a Windows computer, you can take a screenshot by pressing the Windows key (⊞) and the Print Screen (⎙) / (PrtSc) key at the same time (although do press the Windows key first).
  • If you’re on a Macintosh computer, you can take a screenshot by pressing: command (⌘), shift, 3.
Point Statement Individual Year - DVC Dashboard
Individual Year Point Statements- DVC Dashboard

The first page of the deed and 3 separate print-outs of your available vacation points (the previous year, the current year, as well as the next year’s statements) will need to be sent to your broker to aid in determining the value of your Disney Vacation Club membership.

Important DVC Membership Details

Once you’ve rounded up these documents, you will be able to search for the following details, which are vital for the DVC resale process:

  • Deeded Names: The exact spelling of all names on your deed, determine if the property is co-owned, or possibly held within a trust
  • Home Resort: The home resort your contract is deeded to
  • Annual Dues: Your annual maintenance fees
  • Use Year: Your Use Year (annual award month) for points
  • Annual DVC Points: how many annual DVC points you receive each year
  • Available Points: how many DVC points you have currently available
  • Banked Points: how many DVC points you have banked (if any)

Understanding The Benefits That Transfer To Your Buyer On The DVC Resale Market

It’s important to understand that not all benefits will transfer when selling your Disney Vacation Club points on the secondary resale market.

Riviera Resale Restrictions

riviera resort entrance

Owners of the newest Disney Vacation Club resort, Disney’s Riviera Resort, have restrictions regarding what benefits can be transferred on the DVC resale market. When selling Riviera points on the resale market, once the membership has transferred, the buyer may only book at Riviera Resort.

DVC members who own at Riviera are still allowed to sell their membership interest on the resale market, but it’s important to keep this restriction in mind if you’re considering selling your DVC points at Riviera. Even though Disney’s Riviera is near the Walt Disney World Theme Park and is a fantastic property, these restrictions could limit demand and ultimately impact the ability to sell your DVC membership.

Considerations For Selling Your Disney Vacation Club Contract

Keeping Your Annual Dues / Loan Payments Current

It’s always recommended to continue paying any Disney Vacation Club annual dues or loan payments throughout the process of marketing your DVC membership. If your annual dues are past due, it is possible to pay past due annual dues out of the proceeds of the sale. If you are behind on your annual dues or loan payments, please contact a reputable broker to determine the best course of action for your particular scenario.

Right Of First Refusal (ROFR)

Right of First Refusal (ROFR) is a clause that is built into all Disney Vacation Club contracts, which states that Disney will have the option to buy a property back from their members, before allowing the owner the ability to transfer to third-party buyers on the resale market.

DVC sellers must first have a signed contract for the purchase of their membership, which will then be submitted to Disney to begin the right of first refusal process. If Disney elects to exercise their right of first refusal by purchasing the membership, the seller will not be negatively affected at all. Disney will purchase the membership for the price and terms in the submitted contract.

If you’d like to learn more about what the right of first refusal program is, how ROFR works, and how ROFR affects both buyers and sellers, you can read our in-depth article here: What Is DVC Right Of First Refusal?

Hawaiian Taxes For Aulani Resales

aulani overhead view

Sales of DVC contracts at Disney’s Aulani are subject to additional taxation under The Hawaii Real Property Tax Act. Currently, non-Hawaiian residents selling Hawaiian deeded Real Estate are required to pay the local government 7.25% of the total sales price. This law applies to members selling DVC points at Aulani, as it is considered a deeded Real Estate transaction once your Aulani contract is sold.

In the event that the sale of the property represents a monetary loss, you may be exempt from this tax. Prior to closing, DVC Shop can you refer you to an accountant for clarification on what tax implications would apply to your particular scenario.

Determining The Value Of Your DVC Points

determining the value of DVC

When setting a price for a Disney Vacation Club timeshare, sellers need to know that the values of DVC resales are primarily determined by two factors: the attributes of your DVC contract, and the current DVC resale market conditions.

Understanding The Resale Value Of Your DVC Contract

The value of your DVC points is primarily determined by the following factors:

  • Your home DVC resort
  • The use year of your membership contract
  • How many points you have currently available
  • How many points you have banked (if any)

Your home resort as well as number of points available / number of points banked will have the biggest impact on the price per point value that you can sell your DVC membership for. To determine what price you can sell your membership for, you can compare your DVC resale to listings of similar DVC point packages that have been sold recently.

Understanding Current DVC Resale Market Conditions

Market conditions can fluctuate based on:

  • The time of the year (DVC resales experience seasonality like many other hospitality-based industries)
  • Disney’s current right of first refusal buy back threshold for the various DVC resorts
  • The number of current listings for your DVC resort you will be competing with
  • Disney’s direct sale price for the home resort you wish to sell

To get an accurate estimate of your property’s resale value, we recommend working with a licensed Real Estate Broker who specializes in DVC resale on the secondary market.

Once you have an idea of what your DVC points are worth, and what current market conditions are like, you can start marketing your membership for sale.

How To Sell Disney Vacation Club: Exploring Your Options

exploring your options - selling DVC

Once you’ve decided to sell your DVC membership is the right decision for you, it’s time to start exploring your options for how to sell DVC.

You have a few different options available to you when it comes to marketing and selling DVC contracts:

  • Sell Your DVC Contact Through An Instant Sale Program
  • Listing Your DVC Membership For Sale With A Broker
  • Sell Your Membership Privately

The first two options, selling through a broker or selling through an instant sale program, are by far the most popular and safest methods of selling your Disney Vacation Club contract on the resale market. We’ll explore each of these options in more detail below.

Sell Your DVC Contact Through An Instant Sale Program

You now have the option to sell DVC points instantly by getting an offer directly from a broker to purchase the membership immediately. This option represents the quickest turnaround time for any DVC resales process. You will be sent an offer immediately, and can sell within mere hours of submitting your request! All DVC transfers are still subject to the transfer process including ROFR, but this instant sale option completely eliminates time on the market.

Listing Your Disney Timeshare For Sale With A Broker

When you’re ready to market your DVC resale, the first step is to search for a reputable resale broker who can help you list your contract and walk you through the process. We will now cover some of the major considerations for selecting a resale company to help with selling your DVC contract.

Never Pay Upfront Fees

It’s important to work with a resale broker that won’t charge an upfront fee as it is a common scam for fly-by-night companies to charge sellers upfront fees while never producing results. The best way to list your timeshare is through a licensed Real Estate Broker who specializes in DVC timeshare resale services. When you list with DVC Shop, you will never never pay any upfront fees. We only get paid a commission when we have produced an acceptable sales contract for your property.

Leveraging Your Broker’s Marketing Dollars

In today’s digital world, the vast majority of buyers start their search for a timeshare resale online. This is why it’s so important to work with a company that has a strong online presence and can get its listings in front of as many potential buyers as possible. A good DVC resale company will have a wide variety of marketing channels available to them to give its listings the greatest possible exposure to get your DVC sold for the highest price per point possible and sold quickly.

The DVC Shop team invests a considerable amount of time and money into multiple digital marketing programs, ranging from on-site article marketing, video marketing, paid ads, social media marketing, twice-weekly newsletters packed with Disney-centric content and giveaways, off-site broker partnerships, and much more. The synergy of multiple marketing strategies is key to driving targeted traffic to our website and finding the perfect person to buy your DVC resale.

Timeshare Resale Services

A good DVC resale broker will:

  • Have a deep understanding of the DVC resale market
  • Have a proven track record of successfully selling DVC memberships
  • Be up-to-date on the latest news and changes affecting the DVC resale market
  • Have a network of potential buyers who may be interested in your membership
  • Be able to answer any questions you have about the selling process

Once you’ve found a reputable DVC resale company, they will help you determine the best listing price for your membership and list your membership on the DVC resale market.

Reviewing & Understanding Offers For Your DVC Resale

Once your DVC resale is listed, it’s just a matter of finding the right buyers who will make an offer on your membership. Every former DVC owner can agree that collecting offers is the most exciting part of selling! Once you’ve started to receive offers in the form of an email notification, you will need to determine the following pieces of information before accepting any sales contracts, or offers to sell:

  • Offered dollar amount
  • Amount of any seller-paid closing costs as stated on your listing agreement
  • Commission costs

Once an offer is made and accepted, the contract will be prepared for signature. By executing the contract with your signature, the closing process will begin and you’ll begin the process of transferring your DVC membership!

Transferring Your DVC Contract & Collecting Your Proceeds

The final step to selling your Disney Vacation Club resale contract is to transfer your membership to the new buyer. The transfer of your deeded Real Estate interest is governed by the laws of any Real Estate transaction. Any reputable Disney resale company will utilize the services of a licensed title company to ensure buyers and sellers are protected throughout the transfer, and the contract is completely upheld for both parties.

This will be handled by a licensed title company that will facilitate the transfer and record the sale with Disney. Once the membership has been successfully transferred, you will receive your proceeds from the sale, minus any outstanding mortgage balance (if applicable), commissions, and closing costs.

Contact Us For More Information About DVC Resale

Selling your DVC contract and becoming a former DVC member doesn’t have to be a complicated or stressful process. With the help of a reputable resale company, you can rest assured that you are in good hands and will get the best possible price for your membership!

Sell Your DVC Membership Instantly

If you’re ready to sell your DVC contract through our instant-purchase program, you can visit our Sell Your DVC Instantly page and fill out a form to get an offer immediately.

Determine The Value Of Your DVC Membership

If you’d like to simply explore the value of your DVC contract, and determine a fair per point price, you can visit our Determine Your Property’s Value page and fill out a form to get a free DVC resale market analysis.

Why Work With DVC Shop?

Industry Leading Marketing

Our campaigns maximize your reach & help you sell quickly

Get The Best Price

Our experts will help negotiate the best price possible

Experienced Agents

We’ll exceed your expectations of customer service

  • We choose to be exclusive to the DVC brand
  • We are a team of licensed Real Estate agents
  • We will help you price your listing to maximize your return
  • We will always be happy to answer your questions and help in any way we can

If you have any remaining questions or concerns about the process of selling your Disney Vacation Club membership, feel free to fill in a contact form. One of our licensed Real Estate agents will be happy to walk you through the process, and answer any questions you have.